Holy Week and Beyond

Hi friends,
We (Buehrles) are going to be on vacation from this Thursday through Sunday, April 8th. The next gathering will be international food night for friends and neighbors on Friday, April the 13th. Nothing spooky about that.

I should have mentioned this before yesterday, but the "Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals" has morning prayer for Holy Week stuck between morning prayer for March and morning prayer for April. I highly recommend it.
Also, Renew Communities has a Good Friday service this week and Easter Sunday services (www.renewcommunities.com) and Kate mentioned that she will be participating in service(s) with Lakewood Anglican this week. Ask her for more details.

I hope and pray you all have a meaningful holy week and Easter. If you feel at all stuck on holy Saturday in your life (the waiting space between death and resurrection), I pray that you will encounter Jesus this week in particular and be raised to new life. I love the mid-day prayer from the Common Prayer:
"...it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
I thank God that that being raised to eternal life isn't just for "then" but also for now.
Peace of Christ to all of you!
